If You Think You Have a Leak:
- propane emits a smell similar to rotten eggs.
- propane is extremely flammable
- propane is heavier than air, so when checking for leaks, be aware that it gathers in low-lying areas.
If you think you have a leak, turn off your tank, evacuate the building, and phone emergency services from another location.
To Shut Off Your Tank:
Turn the hand wheel in the direction indicated on the tap.There will be arrows showing which way to turn the wheel to close the valve.
To Test For A Leak:
Soap and water will safely identify and give an indication of the size of the leak. Liquid dish soap will produce the most bubbles when mixed with water. Fill a spray bottle with a mixture of liquid dish soap and water, adjust the tip of the sprayer for a sharp stream, and spray the area where you suspect a leak. Conversely, you can use a sponge or dish rag. Make sure to completely cover the suspected leak. Small bubbles indicate a small leak, while large bubbles indicate a large leak.If you suspect you have a leak, do not attempt to re-light pilot lights or activate applicances. Call SIS Propane immediately at 1-888-721-2216.
For more information on propane safety, please click here